An Oakville Girl
I’ve lived in Oakville, on and off, since 1982. Every home I’ve lived in has been within walking distance of Downtown Oakville. My first job was a small retail store downtown. In highschool, it’s where I’d meet up with friends (does anyone remember the Playhouse / Palm movie theatre? Smoothies at Cultures? Treats from The Candy Cupboard? A little later, partying at Sharkey’s?) Today, it’s still the most likely place that I’ll meet friends or take the kids for a treat – coffee at Tribeca or Bean There, gelato at Nyla’s Cafe, lunch at Piazza Bistro, dinner at The Works or Paradiso… Simply put, I LOVE Downtown Oakville.
A Business Booster in Tough Times
It’s been heartbreaking to see so many of the businesses struggle through two years of construction AND the pandemic lockdowns and restrictions. When my business was facing limits on sessions during our winter lockdown, my wheels got turning about an idea to bring a “Front Steps Project” approach to the Downtown businesses. The idea was to (safely) photography business owners without their masks on the steps of their business (or where possible, inside their store). I knew the best way to execute this was to partner with the wonderful team at the Downtown Oakville BIA. It turned out that my idea would work perfectly with the scheduled spring launch of the new downtown branding, and the “Get To Local” campaign was born.
In late March, I spent several days walking up and down Lakeshore and it’s side streets, visiting old favourites and discovering many new businesses as I created a series of photographs of the business owners (or lead managers) in 32 of Downtown Oakville’s businesses. For each business, I made three portraits – one close-up, one wider indoor shot, and one standing outside their storefront. The BIA will be using these images in print ads (May/June “West of The City” & Look Local magazines), on social media, on their website and window displays throughout the area. Hopefully, these images will remind everyone of the lovely faces behind the masks, and prompt you to pop in to say hello and support these local businesses that are the heart of this beautiful community.

How You Can "Get to Know Local"
Of course the best way to get to know the businesses of downtown is to grab a coffee or gelato and wander along Lakeshore Road (don’t forget to hit the side streets also). You can also virtually cruise the neighbourhood. If you don’t already, I suggest you follow the BIA Instagram account @oakvilledowntown. It’s a great way to discover new additions to the downtown family. Through the BIA you can easily find the accounts of your favourite businesses. Whether it’s by following their social or visiting in store, share your experiences on your social. Speaking from experience, business owners LOVE when people spread the word about them. Word of mouth is a terrific boost. And don’t forget to tag #DTOakville.
My Favourites

Cob's Bread Bakery
Can’t beat the bread and treats here. My life is definitely NOT low carb! www.cobsbread.com @cobsbreadlakeshore

The King's Arms
The kids and my "go-to" for casual Sunday night dinner. These days it’s takeout, but we long for the days when would go in and see so many regular faces. www.kingsarmsoakville.com @kingsarmsoakville

Ace Coworking
When working at home feels lonely or boring (in normal times) or I just need a change of scenery, I’ll head into Ace Coworking for a “hotdesk” day. www.acecoworking.ca @acecowork

Must Boutique
A favourite for clothes. I bought the cutest casual dress here right before lockdown, just waiting for a chance to wear it! @mustboutiqueoakville

The Works
The BEST Burgers. When my eldest and I go out just the two of us, this is always our choice. www.worksburger.com