About me as a photographer & business owner...
Sarah Sims Photography was launched in the spring of 2011. I only worked part-time at the start because my kids were still little and life was busy. As they’ve grown, I’ve been able to concentrate on building my business. This is my full time gig. In the early days, I’d photograph pretty much anything people were willing to hire me for. Today, I’ve developed deep specialty as a visual story-teller; celebrating families, teens and small businesses across the west Greater Toronto Area.
A few of my philosophies that I hope come across in my photo portfolios :
- I believe that families come in all shapes and sizes and combinations. Love is Love. Family is Family – blended, adopted, created, birthed, however they come to be. If you call it Family, I want to celebrate it with you with fantastic photos.
- Kids feel valued and seen when photos of them are displayed in the homes where they live. Everyone deserves to feel celebrated with great photos. Print and display your photos.
- Photographs of yourself with your children is one of the greatest legacies you can leave them.
- You never know what life will bring. Take the photos NOW. Don’t wait to lose weight, for their braces to come off, or whatever the excuse is. Celebrate the here and now. Twenty years from now, they won’t look back at the photos and see your extra 5lbs, they’ll see the family that they loved and a memory of this time in their lives.
About me as a person...
My experience has shown me that my most successful sessions are the ones in which I am able to make a connection with the family. With that in mind, let’s get started getting to know each other.
- The first roll of photos that I took (in 1981) was all of my family (and dog and rabbit). I still have the prints. My favourite was with my Granny and great-aunt, all crammed in on the sofa.
- I have three children who couldn’t be more different from each other.
- Almost every room in my home has photos on display in some form.
- My children have all been trained that if our house is burning – save the photo albums!

- While I am the primary photographer in the family, all four of us contribute to the collection. Phones, point-and-shoot, DSLRs all are welcome.
- One of the things I like about being a photographer is not being in pictures, but I make myself do it because I owe it to my children (and my business) – SO DO YOU!
- I celebrate family life – warts and all. It’s not always pretty, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world.